Quotes From "Womansword: What Japanese Words Say About Women" By Kittredge Cherry

Psychologically, Japanese women depend largely on each other. In their sex-segregated society, they could be criticized for living in a female ghetto, and yet they have what some American feminists are trying to build, a ”women’s culture” with its own customs, values and even language. Kittredge Cherry
When [Japanese] women encouraged men to bask in public glory,...
When [Japanese] women encouraged men to bask in public glory, it reminded me of the way you would indulge a child with a sweet-bean treat. Kittredge Cherry
In direct confrontation, the [Japanese] women might yield like blades...
In direct confrontation, the [Japanese] women might yield like blades of grass -- and spring back just as quickly. One of them compared this flexibility to the Vietcong guerrillas… Kittredge Cherry